View William Hobbins, M.D. Curriculum Vitale
View The Complete International Bibliography of Breast Thermography 1956-1987
Pink Image in the Press: Articles by Wendy Sellens LAc WABT-BTI
Grand Rapid Herald Review October Breast Cancer Awareness with Breast Thermography
Breast Thermopgraphy's Role in Cancer Prevention
Alternative Benefits of Breast Thermography
The Flax Myth by Wendy Sellens, L.Ac. & William Hobbins, M.D. September 2010
Are You Aware of What You Can Do For Your Breast Health? co-authored by Wendy Sellens, L.Ac. WABT-BTI October 2012
Breast Thermography a Complementary Tool to Chinese Medicine by Wendy Sellens LAc WABT-BTI March 2013
Breast Cancer Boot Camp Just Released
Breast Cancer Boot Camp on the Radio
Pink Image on TV & Radio
Weston Price Foundation
Soy Alert - Thermograms Prove Soy is not a Girl's Breast Friend from Wise Traditions
Your Breasts Don't Lie: Soy, Flax and other Estrogenic Foods and Herbs Trigger Precancerous Breasts
Published on Kaayla T. Daniel PhD's blog on October 30, 2014
KDLG 670 Wendy Sellens, L.Ac. Tours Alaska & Discusses Effect of Estrogen on Breast Cancer
KFQD 750 AM Breast Thermography's Breast Cancer Boot Camp
Breast Cancer Boot Camp on KOGO 600 AM - Why Breasts are Increasing in Size
Fox 5 News San Diego
Pink Image Finds Breast Cancer Before Mammogram
Breast Cancer Boot camp on WTMJ 620 AM
Flax is not a breast health supplement!
The Flax Myth by Wendy Sellens, L.Ac. & William Hobbins, M.D.
Pregnant Women Consuming Flaxseed Oil Have High Risk Of Premature Birth on Science Daily
Flax and Fatty Acid Update by Dr. Mercola
Articles on the effects of soy and other phytoestrogens on breast health:
Why You Should Avoid Soy by Sally Fallon & Mary G. Enig, Ph.D
The Dangers of Soy by Natural Health Strategies
Implications of Phytoestrogen Intake for Breast Cancer by Christine Duffy, MD; Kimberly Perez, MD; and Ann Partridge, MD; CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 2007;57;260-277
Phytoestrogen Content of Fruits & Vegetables by Gunter G.C. Kuhnle,
Phytoestrogen Content of Common Foods from
Soy 'Miracle' Turns Bad in Argentina by Dr. Mercola
Recommended text:
The Whole Soy Story - the dark side of America's favorite health food by Kaayla T. Daniel, Ph.D, CCN
Articles on breast thermography research:
"Beyond Mammography - An Examination of Breast Thermography" by Len Saputo, M.D., Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, June 2004
"Efficacy of Computerized Infrared Imaging Analysis to Evaluate Mammographyically Suspicious Lesions" American Journal of Radiology, January 2003
"Infrared Imaging of the Breast" The Breast Journal, July/August 1998, Volume 4, Number 4
"Review of Breast Thermography" by William C. Amalu, DC, DABCT, DIACT, FIACT
"What You Should Know About Breast Thermography" by Len Saputo, M.D.
Canadian Study Shows Mammography Does Not Decrease Death Rate from British Medical Journal
"Factors likely to Effect the Efficacy of Mammography" Journal of the National Cancer Institute Volume 91, Number 10, May 19, 1999
"Breast Cancer Detection Demonstration Project" Cancer, 1982, Volume 32, Pages 194-225
"Breast Masses: Mammographic Evaluation" Radiology, 1989, Pages 173-303
"MRI of the Breast: state of the art" European Radiology, Volume 8, Number 5, June 1998
"Comparison of FDG-PET and dynamic contrast enhanced MRI" The Breast, Volume 12, Issue 1, February 2003, Pages 17-22
Medical Publications by William Hobbins, M.D. (inventor of the breast thermography interpretation model)
W.B. Hobbins, Thermography in General Surgery Practice, Proceedings, American Thermographic Society, AGA, 1973
W.B. Hobbins, What Is a Day of Life Worth, RN Magazine, April, 1975
W.B. Hobbins, Mass Breast Cancer Screening with Thermography, Applied Radiology, November-December 1986
W.B. Hobbins, Experiences with Thermographic Breast Cancer Screening in the State of Wisconsin, Proceedings, Breast Disease in Gynecological and Medical Primary Care Practice, pp. 267-281, April, 1977
W.B. Hobbins, Thermography, Highest Risk Marker in Breast Cancer, Proceedings, Gynecological Society for the Study of Breast Disease, pp. 267-282;59, 1977
W.B. Hobbins, Who Has Breast Cancer? Lets Find Out, Clinical Medical, December 1977
W.B. Hobbins, Mobile Mass Breast Cancer Screening; Thermography; Highest Risk Marker, Medical Thermography, European Press, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 61-67, 1978
W.B. Hobbins, Thermography and Pain, Medical Thermography, European Press, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 273-274, 1978
W.B. Hobbins, Thermography and Assessment of Breast Cancer (letter), JAMA 242:2761, 1979
W.B. Hobbins, B.J. King, Report of Thermographic Breast Biopsy Correlation ACTA Thermographica, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.43-45, 1980
W.B. Hobbins, Comparison of Telethermography and Contact Thermography in Breast Thermal Examinations, ACTA Thermographica, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 51-53, 1980
W.B. Hobbins, Significance of an Isolated Abnormal Colorgram, La Nouvelle Presse Medicale, Vol. 10, No. 38, pp. 3153-3155, 1981
W.B. Hobbins, The Physiology of the Breast by Cholesteric Plate Analysis, in Gordon F. Schwartz and Douglas Marchant (eds), Breast Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, Elsevier/North-Holland, New York, pp. 87-98, 1981
W.B. Hobbins, A New Beginning for Thermography, RNM Images, pp. 43-45, October 1982
W.B. Hobbins, Thermography and Pain, in Michel Gautherie and Ernest Albert (eds), Biomedical Thermology, Alan R. Liss, Inc. New York, pp. 361-375, 1982
W.B. Hobbins, New Horizons in Thermography, Far East Health, January 1983
W.B. Hobbins, Thermography of the Breast Revisited 1982, Modern Medicine of Canada, March, 1983
W.B. Hobbins, Thermography (letter), CA, 372-376;33, 1983
W.B. Hobbins, The Combined Use of Thermography & Ultrasonography, in Jack Jellins and Toshiji Kobayashi (eds), Ultrasonic Examinations of the Breast, pp. 335-339, June, 1983
W.B. Hobbins, Thermography of the Breast A Skin Organ in Harry Rein (ed), The Primer on Thermography, pp 37, July, 1983
W.B. Hobbins, Thermography of the Breast A Skin Organ, in Gautherie, et al., Thermal Assessment of Breast Health, MTP Press, Ltd. Lancaster, England, pp 37-48, July 1984
W.B. Hobbins, L. Aires, Incarcerated Diaphramatic Hernia, Journal of International College of Surgeons, April, 1952
A Vaughn, W.B. Hobbins, Spontaneous Pancreatic Abdominal Wall Fistula, Illinois Medical Journal, June, 1953
More Research Articles:
Stark. A., Way, S. "The Screening of Well Women for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer Using Clinical Examination with Thermography and Mammography". Cancer 33: 1671-1679, 1974 Researchers screened 4,621 asymptomatic women, 35% whom were under age 35 y.o. and detected 24 cancers (7.6 per 1000) with a sensitivity and specificity of 98.3% and 93.5% respectively.
Y.R. Parisky, A. Sardi, R. Hamm, K. Hughes, L. Esserman, S. Rust, K.Callahan, "Efficacy of Computerized Infrared Imaging Analysis to Evaluate Mammographically Suspicious Lesions". AJR:180, January 2003 Compared results of Infrared imaging prior to biopsy. The researchers determined that Thermography offers a safe, noninvasive procedure that would be valuable as an adjunct to mammography in determining whether a lesion is benign or malignant with a 99% predictive value.
Gros, C, Gautherie, M. "Breast Thermography and Cancer Risk Prediction". Cancer 45:51-56 1980 From a patient base of 58,000 women screened with thermography, researchers followed 1,527 patients with initially healthy breasts and abnormal thermograms for 12 years. Of this group, 40% developed malignancies within 5 years. The study concluded that "an abnormal thermogram is the single most important marker of high risk for the future development of breast cancer"
Spitalier, H., Giraud, D. et al. "Does Infrared Thermography Truly Have a Role in Present Day Breast Cancer Management?" Biomedical Thermology pp.269-278, 1982 Spitalier and associates screened 61,000 women using thermography over a 10 year period. The false negative and positive rate was found to be 11% (89% sensitivity and specificity). 91% of the nonpalpable cancers (T0 rating) were detected by thermography. Of all the patients with cancer, thermography alone was the first alarm in 60% of cases. The authors noted "in patients having no clinical or radiographic suspicion of malignancy, a persistent abnormal breast thermogram represents the highest known risk factor for the future development of breast cancer"
Jiang LJ, Ng FY et al "A Perspective on Medical Infrared Imaging". J Med Technol 2005 Nov-Dec;29(6):257-67 Since the early days of thermography in the 1950s, image processing techniques, sensitivity of thermal sensors and spatial resolution have progressed greatly, holding out fresh promise for infrared (IR) imaging techniques. Applications in civil, industrial and healthcare fields are thus reaching a high level of technical performance. In many diseases there are variations in blood flow, and these in turn affect the skin temperature. IR imaging offers a useful and non-invasive approach to the diagnosis and treatment (as therapeutic aids) of many disorders, in particular in the areas of rheumatology, dermatology, orthopaedics and circulatory abnormalities. This paper reviews many usages (and hence the limitations) of thermography in biomedical fields.
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